who we are

We, the Light Beyond Vision’s board of directors and well-wishers are a team of volunteers, join our heart and hand to help visually impaired and economically challenged students, providing financial assistance for the fulfilment of their academic and professional goals. We assist creating training and employment opportunities, thus empowering them to be a part of mainstream society with due respect and acceptance with equality. We aim to serve with love, compassion, and dedication to make changes in these children’s life.

Currently, we help more than 100 students and wish to rapidly expand our help to most needed children in the waiting list.

Our mission is to assist visually impaired and economically challenged young adults to be self-independent, thorough education, training and empowerment.

Light Beyond Vision (Employer ID no. 92-2632925) is a non-profit, public charity organization with federal Income Tax Exempt status under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) registered in the USA.


Selfless service is like worship for me. I strongly believe in the fact that, unconditional service to mankind is true service to God and I’m committed to it”:-

                                             Dr Gita Mohanty, President

who we are

We, the Light Beyond Vision’s board of directors and well-wishers are a team of volunteers, join our heart and hand to help visually impaired and economically challenged students, providing financial assistance for the fulfilment of their academic and professional goals. We assist creating training and employment opportunities, thus empowering them to be a part of mainstream society with due respect and acceptance with equality. We aim to serve with love, compassion, and dedication to make changes in these children’s life.

Currently, we help more than 100 students and wish to rapidly expand our help to most needed children in the waiting list.

Our mission is to assist visually impaired and economically challenged young adults to be self-independent, thorough education, training and empowerment.

Light Beyond Vision (Employer ID no. 92-2632925) is a non-profit, public charity organization with federal Income Tax Exempt status under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) registered in the USA.


“Selfless service is like worship for me. I strongly believe in the fact that, unconditional service to mankind is true service to God and I’m committed to it.” 

   Dr Gita Mohanty, President

our core values.


Let’s make a difference with our loving touch by sharing our hands for this noble act.


Lets aim to help these visually and economically challenged children providing them an equal opportunity to flourish and achieve their highest potential, helping in developing a healthier society.


Lets service with love, compassion, dedication, and determination to make changes in those challenged young youths.

how to help.
Visually impaired and economically challenged Children WAITING for financial support to join higher education.

Partner with us


(Work under progress)

We currently have opportunities across the United Kingdom

Our partners are from all over the world.
from our blog.
Below is a quick sample of some testimonials that were sent to us from donors, nonprofits, children and their families.